Its week 2 of the Knit a block a Week Challenge.
My block for this week was number 8 - Little Blocks.
This block will definitely be a firm favourite with me.
It was an easy block to knit and knitted up quickly.
Importantly too it keeps it's shape and had a lovely texture.
One downside to it was it did come up a little over the 6" but maybe you need to allow for different yarn - even though Double Knit different brands can come up thicker or thinner and then there is your own personal tension to allow for.
As I mentioned before I'm knitting my blocks into strips to be made into a blanket to be sent to SIBOL (hopefully!).
I've been able to complete my first strip by adding two garter squares in between my first block no 17 and this weeks no 8. (Garter squares are not included in the Knitted block book so Ive kind of cheated a little here!)
Last week after square no 17 I felt despondent and thought "oh no what have I let myself in for"" I'm not a confident knitter and this is coming out of my woolly comfort zone but this week after being able to knit the other 4 squares I'm feeling more uplifted - I'm sure my feelings for this will dip again over the coming weeks.
I'm looking forward to starting strip 2 over the weekend
Happy "Blocking" xx